This unit was developed by Vytautas Volungevičius  Bibliography   Didactic Comments

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Worksheet: Vilnius 1655, Russian Invasion - Social Structure of Inhabitants

1. Why the noblemen in XVI c. and even more in XVII c. started building their big magnificent residences in the coutry side?

2. Maybe you know any other examples of other towns, in the suburbs of which the residences of noblemen appeared?

3. What is now considered as a prestigious thing: to live in the city center or in the suburbs, so called „green zone“. Present some advantages and disadvantages of the both variants.

4. Tell your opinion, who needed to establish a guild of paupers in Vilnius city?

5. Do you think the establishment of the guild proved?

6. Discuss, if such the guilds would be needed in the modern cities?

7. What do you think, which 2 men belong to the more noble social class, and the social status of which two men is lower? Why?

8. Which 2 of the shown 4 men are peasants?

9. In what way the townsmen in 16 and 17 centuries could differ from the villagers by their clothes, outward features and behavioral stereotypes?

10. While answering the second question, try to find in the Internet some visual material about 17th c., where you could see what was the appearance of the then people in the various European countries, who belonged to the different social strates (townsmen, peasants, noblemen, clergy etc.).

11. Take a Look: “17th Century Costume Links at The Costumer's Manifesto”:  

12. What was medieval society like? Give some characteristic examples which define this society.

13. What do you think about multiethnical character of Vilnius? How happened so that city became so multiple and heterogeneous?

14. How you understand definition “juridical districts”? Can we talk now a days about separated communities?